Following the recent birth of sweet munchkins from several of my dearest friends, I started thinking about all of the wonderful support, advice and tips that I was given in those first few months of motherhood (we'll not ponder on the un-wonderful, un-solicited, horrendous advice that was also thrown our way by any stranger, by-stander or fellow shopper in those days). Thankfully, we received some great information from loved ones and even made a few fantastic choices on our own. So I thought today I'd list some of the great products that we found or were referred to...those "cant-live-without", "life-saving" staples of parenthood that we will definitely not fail to use with our second child (years and years from now when we decide to have one- haha). Anyway, hopefully this will be helpful/enlightening/interesting to someone.
1. The Bouncer (by Baby Bjorn) - $99
We searched far and wide for just the right one of these. We didn't want anything too mechanized with flashing lights, endless battery requirements or cheesy music. We also wanted something monochromatic, modern and void of any cartoon animals or geometric patterns. It was a large bill to fit, but we finally found it in the Baby Bjorn Babysitter. This fit all of our needs, including the ability to provide a more natural, kinesthetic experience in bouncing for Caz- something self-propelled that would encourage coordination and balance. The biggest bonus: he STILL uses it at almost 17 months. It's the coolest recliner, bouncy jungle gym, ball catcher ever!
2. The Carrier (by Baby Bjorn) - $99
Again, a pricier item from Baby Bjorn, but WELL worth the ticket. We made sure to get something "Daddy-friendly" sans colorful patterns or gender-specific wearability (i.e. slings). I've put Caz in it as recently as two weeks ago (it has a 30 pound weight limit)! It took some getting used to, as the straps and buckles seemed overwhelmingly complicated at first. But, a little gusto and a few practices later, we were in good shape. During the first 6 months (before grabbing, reaching and flailing really set in), this thing helped me reclaim my sanity and get housework done. Almost every night, I strapped Boogs in, picked up toys, did the dishes, danced to music and lulled him to sleep with this carrier. A true gem!
3. The Playmat (by Tiny Love) - $45
Once more, we looked everywhere to find something that fit all of our needs- including aesthetic, pattern and color requirements. We didn't want a lot of sound, toys or colors, which can be over-stimulating for newborns (and annoying for parents). So, we found something in red, black and white- the colors proven to be most-distinguishable by tiny babies and better for vision development and shape recognition. This one did the trick. And the great news again? He still uses it. Lying on his back, pulling at hangy toys? No. But add a blanket on top and you have a rockin' tent!
Other notable items: Munckin teething bags (thank you Amy Hyatt) to put frozen fruit or even ice cubes in, the Chicco playyard and California Baby All Natural Shampoo and Body Wash (concentrated- one $20 bottle lasted us 7 months).
5 years ago